
Yemen: Houthi continues his terrorism and loots civilian property after hours of bombing

Reflecting the Iranian-backed Houthi militia’s plan to wreak havoc in Yemen and ignite war after months of an end to the UN truce, the militia has continued its crimes of shelling residential neighborhoods and continued acts of sabotage to undermine the stability of the Yemeni state and displace residents who reject the Houthi presence.

Targeting of civilians

Local Yemeni media reports confirmed that the Houthi militia fired a number of rockets over the past few hours into Marib province, causing extensive damage to a large number of homes in southern Marib. The reports indicated that the Houthi militia targeted the village of Al-Hajr in Mal’ā district in Harib district, southeast of Marib, with a number of Katyusha rockets, and hit a number of populated houses amid an unknown number of serious and medium injuries as a result of the bombardment, which caused a state of fear and panic among the residents, especially children and women.

The latest bombardment unequivocally revealed the Houthi plan, which begins with damaging the lands and fields owned by the Yemeni people in the areas under the control of the terrorist militia, with the aim of displacing citizens, which is what actually happened, where hundreds of civilians fled from four villages under the control of the Houthis. The Houthi militia immediately brought in groups of its members to take over homes abandoned by their owners in an attempt to expel any Yemeni who refused the Houthi presence and replace him with a pro-militia element.

Forced displacement

For his part, Ahmed Jabbari, a human rights activist and Yemeni analyst, said: “The Houthi militia has escalated its terrorist attacks targeting the stability and security of Yemen by imposing royalties, expelling and displacing citizens, and targeting their lands and residential areas. This shows what this terrorist group is plotting to destroy and target the country.” He added that the militias are carrying out a forced displacement operation against the residents of many villages in Yemen, in addition to targeting the unity and security of Yemenis.

The Yemeni analyst and human rights organizations said that the international community, the United Nations and human rights organizations must act immediately to stop the practices of the Houthi militia and their terrorist operations, stressing the need to put real pressure on the Houthi terrorist militia to stop the confiscation of the lands and properties of citizens in Marib, Hodeidah and other Yemeni cities.

Alternative sources

Abdul Sattar al-Shumairi, a Yemeni writer and political researcher, said there are many terrorist crimes committed by Houthi militias against unarmed civilians in many Yemeni cities out of concern for their land, property and sources of livelihood.

In light of the weakness of Iranian funding due to internal crises and angry popular protests in Tehran, which has reflected on the internal conditions of the Houthi militia, which is beginning to worry about the development of events in Iran and is seeking to provide alternative sources of income, Abdul Sattar Al Shamiri said that it is necessary to move quickly to stop these crimes and protect unarmed citizens from the crimes of the Houthi terrorist militias that target the unity and security of Yemenis.

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