
Yemen: Houthi is a stumbling block to peace – The truce is the best evidence

The Yemeni government said the “truce” and “Jordan consultations” revealed the fact that Houthi militias are a stumbling block to peace in the country.

The recognized government, announced by Information Minister Muammar al-Eryani on Sunday, called on the international community, the UN and US envoys to reconsider their approach to Houthi militias.

It also stressed the need to exert real pressure on the coup militias to engage in good faith in the pacification and peace efforts, and to prevent the truce from being used as an opportunity to arrange the cards and prepare for a new cycle of escalation.

In a series of Twitter posts, the Yemeni minister said that Houthi militias had blocked all initiatives and solutions to open a road that does not exceed half a kilometer at the main entrance to Taiz province and had not adhered to any provision of the truce.

The militias continue to violate the truce on all fronts, he said, and also flout the obligation to open crossings and facilitate the movement of Yemeni citizens and goods between provinces.

The Houthis have also continued to blockade civilians and loot revenues rather than paying staff salaries, and are using the humanitarian issue as a deception, blackmail and bargaining tool, al-Eryani said.

He said the Yemeni government began to implement all its commitments at the outset of the UN truce, and made many concessions to achieve peace through a ceasefire on various fronts, facilitating the arrival of oil derivative ships at the port of Hodeida, and restarting Sanaa airport flights to Jordan and Egypt.

Houthi militias had thwarted the UN envoy’s efforts to open roads and lift the siege of Taiz under the truce, which was extended by another two months on June 2, leaving a blow to the broad international peace efforts.

The Houthis are racing to capitalize on the humanitarian truce to mobilize and regroup militants and modernize their arsenal by evading a new round of war, according to Yemeni experts.


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