
Yemen: Houthi Militia steals UN aid, leaves Sanaa residents face of floods

Despite the Houthi militia’s claims that it has a government in Sana’a, what is clear is that the so-called government is simply names on paper with no real impact on the lives of Yemeni Sana’a residents, which is revealed after heavy rains threatened more than 3,000 families with the loss of their homes without any response from the Houthi side to provide assistance to those bereaved families.

Militias evade

Meteorological experts issued a series of warnings regarding the expected bad weather and flooding. Weather experts warned that the air depression could face another air depression and invade several Yemeni regions in the coming days.

Militia leaders stated, in a meeting with representatives of international organizations, that they absolve themselves of full responsibility in the event of any damage to the lives and properties of the residents due to the floods that hit Sana’a and the rest of the Houthi-controlled areas.

Houthi crimes

Sources revealed that a Houthi leader launched during the meeting a strong attack on representatives of international organizations, threatening to stop all their activities in areas under the control of the group. The United Nations said, Sunday, that it allocated 44 million dollars to face the catastrophic floods currently taking place in Yemen, which affected hundreds of thousands of citizens.

According to the newspaper, Iran-backed militias not only threatened international organizations and abandoned families, but also stole humanitarian aid that arrived to support the people in the face of the catastrophic effects of the floods; this threatens a new humanitarian disaster in Yemen that could claim the lives of thousands of people.

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