Yemeni Analyst: Southern Victories in Response to Houthi Militia’s Provocations

The Yemeni National Army and the South have inflicted heavy losses on the Houthi terrorist militia in a number of fronts in Ta’iz governorate, southwest of Yemen, and foiled an infiltration attempt. Three Houthi gunmen were killed and five were injured in clashes with the army in an area of Maqana district, west of Ta’iz.”
Continuous battles
According to Yemeni reports, the fighting broke out after Houthi elements attempted to infiltrate the army positions, “thwarting these attempts.” In a related matter, Yemeni army forces dealt heavy blows to the Houthi terrorist militia in Taiz province, in southwestern Yemen.
The Taiz-axis command media center said army artillery targeted reinforcements of terrorist militias in the eastern al-Shaqab area, al-Dhabab in the west and a cemetery in the province’s western countryside, killing and wounding terrorist militias, Al-Mashad Yemeni reported.
Confronting terrorism
Dr. Abdulhafeez Nahari, a Yemeni political analyst, said: The Yemeni army’s attack comes in response to the provocations of the Houthi militias and their escalation on various fronts. Over the past two days, the militias have launched airstrikes against civilians and army forces in a number of provinces.
Meanwhile, the southern armed forces are engaged in violent clashes in a number of areas overlooking the Thiraa front in the face of the Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist militia, the Yemeni analyst said.
Pointing to targeting the positions of the Houthi militia in response to its attempt to bomb the positions of the southern forces in a number of combat sites on the front.
He said there have been direct strikes on criminal militia positions with various heavy weapons, during which the Houthi terrorist militias have suffered losses in equipment and lives.
He added that the southern forces are still engaged in occasional clashes against the Houthi terrorist militia, “stressing that the Southern Resistance Forces are fully prepared and highly combat-ready to respond firmly and forcefully to the Houthi militia fire and to immediately repulse all infiltration attempts carried out by those militias on a repeated basis, which will only sustain reversal and further losses.”