Middle east

Yemeni FM: Houthis are a danger to the region, not partners for peace

Yemeni Foreign Minister Ahmed Awad Bin Mubarak warned of the danger posed by the Houthis to Yemen and the region, accusing them of not being “partners for peace.” He pointed to “the aggressive nature of Houthi militias and their threat to the security and peace of Yemen and the region in general.”

The Minister pointed to “the existence of strong indications that the international community recognizes this and the invalidity of the Houthi propaganda,” stressing that the Houthi militias “reject and hinder efforts to establish peace, are not serious in implementing what they deserve, and do not care about the humanitarian situation, and are working to exacerbate it through the economic war they are waging against the people,” according to the state-run Saba news agency.

The Presidential Command Council seeks to achieve peace and restore security and stability in Yemen, he said, but the fact that there is no partner who believes in peace thwarts all efforts to help Yemen out of its crisis.

On Saturday, Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak met with French Ambassador Jean-Marie Safa in Riyadh to discuss developments in Yemen amid ongoing efforts to achieve peace. An Omani delegation returned to Sanaa a few days ago as part of Oman’s efforts to convince the Houthis of the UN and regional proposals and to stop terrorist threats.

Meanwhile, Yemeni military media reported that Houthi militias on Saturday continued their attacks on army positions in the west and south of Taiz city for a third day.

The sources said that the army forces at the Taiz military base repelled attacks and attempts by Houthi rebel militias to infiltrate into the city’s southern and western fronts.

“Army forces foiled an infiltration attempt by Houthi militias into Hifan district’s Hayfan Front positions, south of the city,” a military source told Saba. “The areas of Ahtub, Rabii, Wadi Hardhran and the area surrounding Jabal Han to the west of the city witnessed intermittent clashes with medium weapons.”

The source confirmed that the army forces repelled the attack by the militias in Kalaba Front and Wadi Salalah, forcing them to retreat and inflicting numerous losses on them.

On Thursday, Yemeni military media reported sporadic clashes between the army and the Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist militia in the eastern and western fronts of Taiz city.

On more than one occasion, the Yemeni government called on the international community to classify the Houthi militias and approved the prohibition and freezing of 12 local entities (companies and institutions) accused of supporting the militias, as part of the implementation of the decision of the National Defense Council to punish the group and its leaders, and dry up its sources of funding, after it was designated as a “terrorist” according to local laws.

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