
Yemeni Human Rights Minister criticized the international organizations for ignoring the Houthi Violations

The international organizations could not access to areas controlled by Houthi militias in Yemen, and they also could not visit the arrest centers that were made by the Iran-backed group, in what the Yemeni Human Rights Minister Ahmed Orman affirmed.

Orman informed Asharq Al-Awsat that certain organizations and researchers have competitions with member states of the Saudi-conducted Arab Coalition that support the internationally recognized government in Yemen.

Orman criticized these organizations of being ignoring the violations exerted by Houthis and promised to work to correct this imbalance. As his the capacity as human rights minister, Orman promised to boost the institutional construction and back the rehabilitation of state agencies and the rule of law.

Orman also said: There is a weakness in exposing Houthi violations at international forums or before relevant organizations. This is not only exclusively linked to the ministry of human rights, but also relates to the other state bodies and institutions, and when he asked about certain international bodies that ignoring the Houthi violations, he answered that their motives are likely political.

The minister also indicated that some agencies have spats with Arab Coalition states and are using Yemen to settle scores, adding: We will work hard to address this issue, and if these parties have problems with one of the coalition countries backing the Yemeni government, they should not affect the Yemeni file.

The Orman said that the Houthi human rights violations are graver than those being reported to have been allegedly committed by pro-government forces, affirming that they are incomparable, and added that Houthis are involved in recruiting child soldiers, planting mines, torture, arbitrary detentions.

The Yemeni Human Rights Minister also indicated the main question that disrupting the work of international humanitarian groups in Yemen, and showed that some researchers are influenced by regional geopolitics and are pushing foreign agendas looking to settle scores with Arab Coalition member states.

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