
1400 Earthquakes in 24 Hours Close Tourist Site 

Officials in Iceland were forced to close the famous Blue Lagoon Lake to visitors due to some disturbances in the surrounding area.

The lake is a destination for tourists from various countries worldwide, known as a site for relaxation and health benefits.

Located on the Reykjanes Peninsula in the southwest of the country, it houses the main Keflavik International Airport.

The peninsula is known for its seismic activity, containing fissures and fields of volcanic magma according to reports from CNN.

Iceland’s Meteorological Office reported 1400 earthquakes in just 24 hours, in addition to 800 more earthquakes within 14 hours from last Friday.

Seven earthquakes on Thursday measured 4 on the Richter scale, while the strongest reached 4.8 on the Richter scale, marking the most intense earthquake since the seismic activity began at the end of last month, according to the Meteorological Office.

Ongoing developments led officials to close the lake to visitors for an entire week amid concerns about an eruption from the Fagradalsfjall volcano, which was last active between July 10th and August 8th of this year.

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