5 Best green vegetables that you should eat regularly

Very often children grimace when it comes to eating it. And yet green vegetables are particularly recommended for their health benefits.
Nutritionists advise eating at least one green leafy vegetable every day. Here are five that are particularly good for the body.
Rich in nutrients, including vitamin K, phosphorus and calcium, this cruciferous vegetable is necessary for good bone health. Thus, women and men with osteoporosis or victims of repeated fractures must eat it, raw or cooked, several times a week. Same advice for children, young mothers and the elderly.
The lettuce
As surprising as it may seem, lettuce, more specifically lamb’s lettuce, is a good source of omega-3s. These fatty acids are essential for mental health. They help to maintain a good nervous balance.
Spinach contains many nutrients, including vitamin E (3.98mg/100g) which protects cells from premature aging. With its sweet taste and smooth texture, it is also one of the lowest calorie vegetables. It is cooked in a salad with young shoots or cooked as an accompaniment to meat, for example.
Brussels sprouts
Rich in fiber, this small cabbage is not very popular with children. However, it concentrates a real mine of benefits. It contains vitamin C, which is particularly useful for promoting the absorption of iron. Brussels sprouts are otherwise rich.
Delicious in a salad accompanied for example by a hot goat cheese, dandelion leaves are also very good for the whole digestive system. They would help cure minor ailments such as bloating or constipation. Finally, they stimulate the liver by activating bile secretion.