
Who is Mohieddin al-Zayt, the acting leader of the Muslim Brotherhood and el-Shater’s arm?

A few hours after the announcement of the death of Ibrahim Munir, the leader of the “London Front”, one of the conflicting fronts in the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood Group in Egypt, the Front decided to appoint Mohieddin al-Zayt as his successor until the announcement of who will act as acting leader, amidst criticisms, anger and internal dissension due to the selection of a person who lost his charisma and power – according to them – Mohieddin al-Zayt, who announced himself as the successor to Ibrahim Munir at the head of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Degraded organization

Mohieddin al-Zayt, an Egyptian national who is on Egyptian terrorist lists, convicted and charged in several criminal and terrorism cases, does not have enough popularity to lead the group, even though he was a member of the Brotherhood’s Shura Council. Mahmoud Hussein, however, was a member of the Guidance Bureau and secretary-general of the organization, and therefore the latter outpaced it organizationally.

Al-Zayt will not be able to withstand Mahmoud Hussein’s front, and Mohieddin al-Zayt, who assumed the leadership of the administrative office of the Brotherhood in Giza. He was a member of the Brotherhood’s Shura Council and was responsible for student work for a long time, and he was one of the group’s second founders in the 1970s, with Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh. He was a leader of the Islamic Group in the 1970s before joining the Brotherhood. He has the administrative capacity and enjoys the support of many internal administrative offices because he does not engage in the problems of the Brotherhood.

Khairat Al-Shater

Al-Zait is accused of several criminal cases, including: Case No. 451 of 2014 Supreme State Security Inventory, known as the “Helwan Brigades” case; Case No. 29 of 2015 Supreme State Security Criminal Case, Case No. 4459 of 2015 Helwan Criminal Case; Case No. 321 of 2015 Southern Cairo Court; Case Case No. 89 of 2015 Eastern Military Crimes; Case Case Trial Two times in Military Trials, Sentenced to 6 Years in prison. According to intelligence reports, Mohieddin al-Zayt was the arm of Khairat el-Shater for attacking the armed forces. el-Shater was charged with inciting strife during the Muslim Brotherhood’s rule.

Muslim Brotherhood platform

Al-Zayt announced during a televised meeting in the early hours of Saturday morning that he would assume the administrative duties of the Muslim Brotherhood after the death of acting leader of the Muslim Brotherhood Ibrahim Munir, until the election of the acting leader.

Al-Jazeera, the most prominent Brotherhood platform, said that “he was actually helping Munir to manage the Supreme Council, and that he was taking over some of the matters in his absence temporarily. The Front, a majority of whose members reside in the British capital of London, announced its adherence to the leadership of the Brotherhood and the rebuilding of its institutions. It noted, according to a press statement, that these institutions are “in session” since the announcement of the death of Ibrahim Munir to arrange matters, and they will remain in session until the announcement of who will be the deputy Supreme Guide and the acting leader to succeed Munir. It mentioned that Ibrahim Munir had in his life entrusted Mohieddin al-Zayt, who is the vice-president of the Committee that is responsible for administrative matters.

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