
Syrian experts: UAE extends aid and assistance to brotherly societies in worst crisis

The United Arab Emirates continues to support Turkey and Syria, as part of Operation The Gallant Knight 2, to alleviate the effects of the earthquake that struck the country recently. The UAE’s support reflects the humanitarian and civilizational message of the UAE, which has always stood by the neighboring countries and other people affected in times of trial and crisis.

Confronting crises

The UAE has been providing relief assistance to several countries in the world in the face of natural or health disasters, while it is ranked as one of the most pioneering countries in the field of humanitarian and relief support, a report by Roaya Network revealed. It also embodies the humanitarian efforts undertaken by the UAE on the international scene and its approach to extending a helping hand to brotherly and friendly communities in various circumstances.

Major effort

Syrian political analyst Yaarab Khairbek said, “We, the Syrian people, thank the brotherly UAE for its role in providing relief to the Syrian people. The great role played by the UAE is that of the leaders of the UAE and its generous people, and the volume of bilateral relations between the two countries, which was represented in sending aid immediately after the earthquake”.

The aid reveals the extent of joint co-operation recently and the UAE’s role in Syria’s return to the Arab and regional fold, said the Syrian political analyst, adding that the UAE’s humanitarian and medical aid comes as part of an urgent response to mitigate the effects of the earthquake on Syria and Turkey.

The Spirit of Fraternity

Dr. Ammar Waqqaf, a Syrian political analyst and professor of international relations, said that the continuous efforts of the UAE to support the Syrian people in their crisis reflect the spirit of brotherhood between the two countries, which shows that the UAE is one of the first countries in the world to send aid to all parts of Syria after the earthquake, in addition to that its efforts did not stop at that, but rather to continue its relief campaigns to save lives.

He added that the UAE is making continuous efforts to support all countries to embody the humanitarian efforts undertaken by the UAE in the international arena and its approach to extending a helping hand to brotherly and friendly societies in various circumstances and crises, and has many positions that emphasize the status of this country in supporting brothers from various countries of the world.

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