Middle east

With compelling evidence… Iran’s Plan to Flood Iraq with Drugs

An oppressive and crisis-ridden regime, both internally and externally, more than one can imagine. To the extent that it has been subjected to international sanctions by the United States and the European Union. Iran is committing several crimes within Arab countries, the most significant of which is flooding these countries with drugs.

The Iranian Captagon Kingdom

The Iranian Captagon Kingdom exports drugs to Iraq, which greatly undermines the bordering Arab state with Iran. The kitchens of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard are the main sources of funding for elements of the Iranian regime and the training camps of the Guard.

Drug use rates among different segments of the youth have reached alarming levels, especially among university and school students, as well as the unemployed.

The arms and drugs mafia and money laundering in Europe, Africa, Latin America, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and recently Iraq have been published in diplomatic documents leaked by WikiLeaks in 2014, which indicated that Iran is one of the largest drug smugglers in the world.

Iran, the largest buyer of Afghan opium

Iran is the largest buyer of Afghan opium and one of the world’s largest heroin producers. There has been an observed increase in drug smuggling operations to Gulf countries and several Arab and Islamic countries in the past five years.

In July 2005, the Iraqi National Committee for Drug Control announced that “Iran is the main source of white poison smuggling into Iraq.”

Iraq drowning in Iran’s poisons

According to informed sources, 90% of drugs inside Iraq originate from Iran, a fact acknowledged by the local security establishment.

The sources added that professional criminal gangs operate along the shared border between Iraq and Iran, engaging in smuggling operations of various types of drugs. It is believed that drug smuggling is a conspiracy aimed at creating a scourge that threatens the social system and increases security burdens.

Recently, the Directorate of Drug Control and Psychotropic Substances of the Iraqi Ministry of Interior revealed an official tally, which involved the arrest of more than 17,000 individuals involved in drug use and trafficking in Iraq in just 22 months.

It should be noted that the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime was explicit in a report issued last year, stating that crystal methamphetamine is now considered the most dangerous and widespread drug in Iraq. The statement warned that this type of drug is now being clandestinely manufactured within Iraq after previously being smuggled from Iran.

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