Middle east

Scenarios for Establishing a Nuclear Reactor in Iraq

The Iraqi government is considering the establishment of a nuclear reactor 

Iraqi crises persisted this summer. posing a storm for the people of Mesopotamia amidst climatic crises that severely impacted Iraq which is among. the five most climate-affected countries. Iraq recorded temperatures reaching .52 degrees Celsius.

The problem of the cold war between Washington and Tehran and its losses

Amid rising temperatures. Iraq found itself caught between the crossfire of. the cold war between Washington and Tehran. Iranian gas supplies to Iraq were cut off. leading to an electricity crisis with frequent power outages for the Iraqi people in high temperatures.

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Establishing an Iraqi Nuclear Reactor

Recently, the Iraqi government is exploring .the establishment of a limited nuclear reactor for electricity generation. This step aims to secure long-term electricity supply. amid the crisis it has endured.

Statement by the Iraqi Council of Ministers

A statement from the Iraqi Cabinet stated: “The Cabinet discussed the possibility of investing nuclear energy. in electricity generation at the national level. and initiating the establishment of a limited nuclear reactor for peaceful purposes. and clean electricity production.”

The goal of creating a nuclear reactor

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The statement mentioned that .the goal of establishing the nuclear reactor is to “reduce reliance on other energy resources such as gas and oil.” as the country is working to enhance .its oil production to reduce imports from abroad.

Iraq project

Exclusive sources revealed that the project is not new to Iraq; it has been present since the royal era. This was encouraged by the US Atomic Energy Commission. which gifted Iraq a research nuclear reactor with a limited capacity of 5 megawatts.

Intervention of the United States of America

The sources confirmed that the Iraqi reactor.

sponsored by the US. aims to curb Iranian growth within Iraq and exert pressure on Iran. which exports gas to neighboring Iraq for electricity production.

Iraqi nuclear program

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The cost of the Iraqi nuclear program reached $10 billion. but one of the project’s chief supervisors, Professor Jaafar Dhia Jaffar. confirmed that the total expenditure was around $700 million. equivalent to the amount Iraq paid to the French and Italian companies overseeing the project.

Its most important stage

The source also affirmed that during the governmental meeting. the evaluation of the second phase and the commencement of the third phase of the plan to transfer security responsibility from the Ministry of Defense to the Ministry of Interior took place. This came after the success of the first phase. which included the provinces of Muthanna. Diwaniyah. and Wasit. The second phase included the holy Najaf and Thi Qar provinces. and the third phase is expected to encompass Salahaddin, Anbar, and Nineveh provinces.

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