Middle east

Did Tantawi disassociate himself from the Muslim Brotherhood? What did he say about his relationship with them?


Egyptian presidential candidate Ahmed Tantawi is attempting to distance himself from the Muslim Brotherhood, which is classified as a terrorist organization in Egypt.

During an interview on the “Al-Manassa” website, Tantawi responded to reports about his relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood and his efforts to restore their legal status if he wins the upcoming elections.

Tantawi stated that he has not heard of any support for him from the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood as rumored, and he urged all Egyptians to verify the accuracy of the circulating news regarding him.

Tantawi did not provide a clear answer regarding his stance on the Muslim Brotherhood. However, he emphasized that he is a candidate for all Egyptians, and the current political scene involves the exclusion of various segments of the population, not limited to the Muslim Brotherhood alone.

He added that if he wins the presidency, it will not be within his authority to re-license or de-license the Muslim Brotherhood. He stated, “I am in favor of the constitution and the law, which do not allow the president to favor or exclude anyone. The president is the highest public servant in the Egyptian state.”

Regarding his stance on the Muslim Brotherhood, Tantawi responded by comparing the Muslim Brotherhood to the ruling National Party during the time of former President Hosni Mubarak.

He said, “On January 25, 2011, we had a ruling party with over 2 million members, and some leaders of this party, including ministers and members of parliament, were involved in acts of violence that resulted in the killing of Egyptians. They were subsequently tried. Does this apply to the 2 million members of the National Party?”

He continued, “I will ensure the complete independence of the Constitutional Court, which is responsible for dissolving a party, whether it is a religious party, a party involved in violence, or for any other reason that warrants dissolution.”

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