Middle east

Mechanisms of the Muslim Brotherhood to support Tantawi in the Presidential elections and undermine the State

The Muslim Brotherhood is supporting Tantawi in the presidential elections and undermining the state

It seems that Egypt is on the verge of a new conflict with the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, after months of rumors and calls for the country’s destruction through foreign-supported protests.

Now, the story of support from the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood for the potential presidential candidate in Egypt, Ahmed Tantawi, has begun. Tantawi entered into a profitable deal with the terrorist group, with businessman and fugitive Ayman Nour acting as the intermediary.

The Muslim Brotherhood officially announced its support for Ahmed Tantawi, the potential candidate in the upcoming presidential elections.

The head of the political bureau of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, Helmy al-Gazar, who had been in hiding for years, returned during an interview on the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Al-Sharq channel. He expressed his admiration for Ahmed Tantawi, describing him as having a well-crafted speech that resonates with the Egyptian conscience, and he believes that Tantawi represents a state of discipline.

Al-Gazar confirmed that the Muslim Brotherhood will not nominate a candidate in the presidential elections, while expressing his admiration for Ahmed Tantawi.

Mechanisms to support Tantawi and undermine the State

A confidential source within the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood confirmed the coordination that has taken place between Tantawi and the Muslim Brotherhood in recent times. Constant communications have been ongoing to arrange the mechanism for Tantawi’s nomination in the presidential elections. This comes in light of agreements reached with the Brotherhood, including an agreement to enable their return to political work within Egypt. These discussions took place during meetings between Ayman Nour and Tantawi in Lebanon.

Support for Tantawi begins with major campaigns

A source close to the Muslim Brotherhood revealed that the Brotherhood’s plan to support Tantawi begins with launching massive online campaigns across various social media platforms to support him.

In addition, the organization’s grassroots in the governorates are directed to participate in Tantawi’s official campaign and to work on supporting him in various governorates across the country by directly engaging with citizens in villages, rural areas, and remote regions.

More importantly, there is an effort to promote Tantawi internationally as the most open candidate to democratic systems, capable of achieving a climate of freedom and rights that the Brotherhood claims is lacking in Egypt.

Furthermore, Tantawi will be portrayed as a persecuted political figure who faces pressures due to his presidential candidacy, which will garner him some sympathy.

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