
“Norovirus”… “Explosive” strain of COVID-19 raises concerns in Britain 

A state of concern has gripped health authorities in Britain following the emergence of a new mutated strain of the “COVID-19” virus.

Doctors have described the strain as “explosively new,” posing a threat to the renewal of the pandemic crisis that originated in 2020.

Health authorities have implemented strict new measures to curb the spread of the virus, known as “Norovirus,” after discovering that hundreds of people in British hospitals are currently suffering from it.

A report published by the British newspaper “Daily Mail” states that hospitals in Britain have begun to impose visitor bans following an increase in infection cases.

Health authorities fear the occurrence of a new wave of “COVID-19” due to this “explosive new strain.”

The National Health Service (NHS) in Britain identifies this virus as “Norovirus,” with symptoms including stomach and intestinal inflammation, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Data from the National Health Service in England indicates that around 498 beds in British hospitals are currently occupied by individuals infected with this virus, representing a 19% increase in the past week and a 15% increase from the previous year.

Hospitals are implementing visitor ward closures in an attempt to contain the virus’s spread.

Most patients improve within a few days, but the symptoms are putting additional pressure on hospitals already dealing with an increase in cases of other seasonal illnesses.

This increase in infection cases comes at a time when health officials are concerned that the new coronavirus could lead to a new wave of infections, causing a new crisis in the National Health Service.

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