
5 Steps to Lower High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, known as the “silent killer,” poses a real health problem as it increases the risk of heart attacks, kidney disease, and dementia.

According to the British newspaper “Mirror,” there are five steps to lowering high blood pressure, according to health experts:

1. Static Exercises

   Exercises like planks, low squats, and wall sits are all effective in improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure. Dr. Jamie O’Driscoll from Canterbury Christ Church University explains that these exercises significantly increase blood flow during relaxation.

2. Running

   Running improves blood pressure and enhances the body’s ability to use oxygen, which helps prevent heart disease.

3. Potassium-rich Foods

   Eating foods like bananas, lentils, potatoes, and avocados helps lower blood pressure by balancing sodium in the body.

4. Sufficient Sleep

   Research shows that getting at least 7 hours of sleep daily is essential for maintaining normal blood pressure.

5. Stretching and Yoga Exercises

   These exercises help reduce the stiffness of blood vessels, thereby effectively lowering blood pressure.

In conclusion, experts emphasize that following these tips can significantly lower blood pressure within just three months, helping to prevent serious complications.

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