Has al-Burhan Reached the Expiration Date of the Muslim Brotherhood?

Sudanese journalist Dr. Al-Nour Hamad stated: “al-Burhan is playing with the kizan (Muslim Brotherhood). They attack him when his game with them becomes evident, but they endure it because they know they need him at this stage, just as he needs them. However, both sides remain on guard against each other. This is what Abdel-Hay Youssef’s statements have proven.”
The Attempted Assassination of al-Burhan: Between Allegations of Foreign Intervention and Internal Tactics
Al-Burhan’s Desire to Step Down Reveals the Army’s Desperation to Win the Battle
In an article published in the Sudanese newspaper Al-Taghyeer under the title “Abdel-Hay and the Fragmentation of the Kizan Structure”, Hamad added: “The kizan have no refuge other than al-Burhan. They tolerate him for now, but they secretly plan to eliminate him once they regain control. They are fully aware of his insatiable desire to monopolize power. As for him, he knows their nature and their methods of deceit, cunning, and betrayal, having served them since he was a junior officer.”
Hamad explained that “the stage where General al-Burhan benefits from their presence by his side is not over yet, although it is nearing its end. Hence, a game of cat and mouse is being played between the two parties, and the Sudanese people bear the heavy costs, which continue to rise daily.”
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Abdel Fattah al-Burhan: Involved in War Crimes and Subject to the Muslim Brotherhood’s Agenda
Hamad also revealed that the division of the National Congress into two factions — one in Port Sudan, led by Ibrahim Mahmoud, of Eritrean origin and close to President Isaias Afwerki, and the other in Atbara, led by Ahmed Haroun, wanted by the International Criminal Court — reflects the fragmentation within the kizan structure and their mutual threat. This has pushed al-Burhan to gradually reduce his reliance on the militias of the Islamic Movement while attempting to loosen their grip on the leadership levels of the army step by step.
Hamad concluded his article by asserting that al-Burhan has a plan to rid himself of the kizan military forces that helped him through his initial phase but are now nearing the end of their utility.
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Finally, Abdel-Hay Youssef previously stated in a press interview: “al-Burhan cannot get rid of the Islamists because they are present with him in his office.” Some interpreted this as a veiled threat of assassination against al-Burhan if he attempted to exclude the Islamists.