
A doctor warns of the biggest and “hidden” cause of obesity  

A recent study has attributed the responsibility to fructose in obesity, considering it the biggest and hidden cause behind excessive weight gain.

Although fructose is not the largest source of calories in the body, it increases appetite and the desire to consume fatty foods, according to “Science Alert.”

The recent study, led by Richard Johnson from the University of Colorado, suggests that weight loss decisions should include a balanced reduction of carbohydrates and fats. Having large amounts of fructose and carbohydrates in the diet makes it difficult to shed excess weight.

Fructose is a naturally occurring sugar in fruit juices, some vegetables, honey, and is a fundamental component in processed sugar. The body can produce limited amounts of fructose due to carbohydrates in the diet, similar to glucose and salty foods.

The study warns against excessive consumption of natural sweeteners like fruits, in addition to regulating the intake of artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, stevia, or fructose syrup. This is to prevent the rapid accumulation of fructose concentrations in the body’s diet without later realization.

Fructose and Obesity 

Dr. Ola Ahmed, a therapeutic nutrition specialist, says that excessive fructose leads to an increase in liver fat and impairs its function. Anything we consume directly or indirectly increases blood sugar levels, such as fructose, leads to increased insulin secretion and increased resistance.

She added: “There is a common belief among the elderly that consuming fructose through sugar or fruits is considered safe, but it affects the body differently. Excessive consumption damages the body, liver, increases cholesterol levels in the blood, insulin resistance, and the risk of diabetes.”

She continued: “This does not mean that we should not consume fruits, but they should be consumed in moderation. There is no difference between fructose and glucose; both are sugars, but their metabolic representation in the body is different. Therefore, the consumption should be regulated.”

The therapeutic nutrition specialist also addressed natural sweeteners such as aspartame, stevia, or fructose syrup, saying: “Just because they are calorie-free does not mean we should overindulge in them. In any case, the brain sends signals to the body when a sugary substance enters the body and then signals the pancreas to release insulin at low levels.”

She added, “All these signals over time lead to unresolved obesity problems and sugar resistance. Therefore, we should not overindulge in artificial sweeteners, even if they are calorie-free. We should get used to reducing sugars in the diet, and ultimately, an obese patient, before suffering from an organic disease, suffers from wrong eating habits.”

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