
A giant sea monster discovered in Morocco: an animal that devoured everything it saw

For a few million years, it seems that swimming was much more dangerous, or impossible. The waters were then frequented by a giant sea creature named “Thalassotitan Atrox”, a twelve-meter-long dinosaur that devoured anything it saw.

In western Morocco in an area near Casablanca, research has uncovered a new species of mosasaur that would have dominated the seas at the end of the Cretaceous period, until the extinction of the dinosaurs, 66 million years ago, quoted 20 minutes.

Un monstre marin ancien et violent découvert aux côtés de ses victimes - Noufelle FR

This marine reptile had a jaw and teeth that had nothing to envy from the famous megalodon, making it a super predator, and the largest marine carnivore in the Euro-African zone.

According to, sea levels in the late Upper Cretaceous period were much higher than today, while part of Africa, including Morocco down to the foot of the Atlas, was below sea level with warm, shallow water that favored the development of plankton, a staple food for small fish that then served as a meal for a particularly rich mosaic fauna.

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