
A new slap to the Brotherhood in Egypt; The failure of calls November 11 marks the end of the terrorist organization

The continuous failure to pursue the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group after its destructive calls in Egypt, but the Egyptian people were able to respond to that terrorist group by not going down and responding to them, which confirms the weakness of the organization internally, that it has no bases in the Egyptian street, and that their calls are nothing but electronic calls .

The hashtag #nobody_came_down was the trend of the social networking site Twitter, in conjunction with the Brotherhood’s subversive calls to demonstrate on Friday November 11 this year, and the pioneers of the “Twitter” micro-blogging site interacted with the hashtag by mocking the Brotherhood’s calls to demonstrate, amid the Egyptians’ failure to provoke the Brotherhood’s subversive calls Chaos in the streets of Egypt.

The calls of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group to cause confusion and chaos to destabilize the country and undermine its security, but all its miserable attempts failed miserably in light of the growing awareness of Egypt and its confidence in its wise political leadership, and its latest attempts to promote lies, rumors and allegations about the outbreak of demonstrations in the streets of Egypt on Thursday night, aimed at misleading Egyptians and tried to stir confusion and chaos in the country, in addition to an attempt to cast doubt on the people and their leadership.

Mustafa Bakri, a journalist and member of the Egyptian Parliament, commented on the failure of the Muslim Brotherhood’s call for demonstrations on Friday 11/11.

Bakri, a member of the House of Representatives, wrote on his personal Twitter page: “After the failure of the conspirators, they started asking their sleeper cells to postpone. Poor people deserve pity, they think that the suffering of the Egyptian people will lead them to destroy their country and to respond to their aspirations to return to rule Egypt again. They have lost.”

Bakri said: “Good morning, and long live Egypt, with its great army, its valiant police, its just judiciary, and its intrepid national leader. Egypt will live, despite the haters’ machinations and conspiracies, and Egypt will live with its good people, its nationalists, despite the noses of the haters.”

The member of the Egyptian House of Representatives said that reform is not achieved through destruction, but through security, stability and the preservation of the homeland. Egypt is progressing despite all the difficult circumstances and the repercussions of the global crisis, and the great people of Egypt will not repeat the scenario of chaos that Egypt experienced after the events of January 25, which led to the Muslim Brotherhood’s accession to power.”

Bakri added that “even the country would have entered the civil war had it not been for the stance of the great Egyptian army led by the hero Abdul Fattah el-Sisi and his alignment with the people’s revolution on June 30.”

Muslim Brotherhood games

Egyptian MP Ihsan Shawky said that the Egyptian people have become very experienced in the games of terrorist groups. At the beginning of their leadership in the scene, it was possible to find some who believe in them, but with the sequence of events and the emergence of facts and their continuation in the riots and their permanent attempts to marginalize any  achievement of the Egyptian state in order to export a wrong negative image of Egypt, the Egyptian  became fully aware of the danger of being carried out behind the lies of those terrorist groups, whose only goal is to spread chaos and destabilize the security and stability of the country.

“Despite the systematic method of work that these groups follow, including calls to stir up public opinion, and spread useless lies that are futile attempts to attract attention, exploit global economic crises to provoke the Egyptian people, and finally try to export the idea of ​​making a prisoner A criminal – who incites his country’s army and calls for sabotage and chaos – to become an icon. However, the Egyptian people are fully aware of the extent of the lies of these allegations, and have become very familiar with these systematic plans and always confront them” Shawki said

President Abdul Fattah el-Sisi’s presence at the helm of power broke the plans of those terrorist groups to spread  chaos and destabilization, she said, praising the general peace situation in Egypt and the  achievements on the ground. President el-Sisi’s understanding of the nature of extremist ideology and his response to it in the  of its beginnings, as well as the unequivocal support of the people of Egypt, all of which disrupted those groups in their infancy and shattered their aspirations to wreak havoc in Egypt

Failed plot

Meanwhile, political researcher Moataz al-Shennawi said, “The calls for chaos that were made by the enemies of the country with the goal of demonstration and mobilization are both with no support.

He said the failure to respond to these calls showed the true extent of Egyptians’ awareness of the dangers facing the country, despite the difficulties and challenges faced by citizens. But the country is more precious than anything, and the preservation of its unity, security and stability is greater than all challenges, especially as internal crises are inseparable from the multiple crises the world is going through.

Egyptians realize the country is staying despite the noses of terrorists and their financiers to destabilize its security, al-Shennawi said.

He added that the calls for chaos revealed the bankruptcy of the terrorist group by resorting to promoting old videos, which is not unusual for them. Lying is a way of life for them, but the discernment of honest Egyptians revealed them and stood up to them, not in the street, as they are not present in the streets and squares, but on social media, to show what suits them, they are some of the failures even in virtual reality.

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