
A plant with many health benefits

Haven’t you ever stung yourself on a nettle? This stinging plant that is found everywhere is often considered a weed. However, it has many health benefits. The point with Ellen Desmecht, from the Desmecht herbalist in Brussels.

Nettle is a medicinal plant par excellence, despite its bad reputation because of its stinging power. It must be said, rubbing a nettle is not pleasant… And yet, there are many benefits as Ellen Desmecht, herbalist, explains to us.

Nettle leaves to cleanse the body

All parts of the plant are used in herbalism and in particular the herb/nettle leaves for cleaning the body. Nettle has a diuretic effect and will stimulate our kidneys, filter the blood and eliminate waste accumulated in our body. A good nettle tea is therefore also excellent against acne.

But this plant is not only bioethical, it also contains iron, calcium or even potassium, it is rich in amino acids and has silica; it is therefore one of the herbs which has a role of the most mineralizing. Take advantage of its benefits via herbal tea or even better – and it’s in season – a nettle soup to reap all the benefits; vitamins and minerals.

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