
A Shocking UN Statistic on the Impact of Salt on Our Lives

The European Regional Office of the World Health Organization (WHO) revealed a shocking statistic on Thursday about the impact of salt on people’s health and lives.

According to a statement from the UN office, excessive salt consumption is the primary cause of death for more than 10,000 people monthly in Europe due to the cardiovascular diseases it causes.

The UN office explained that “more than one in three adults, aged 30 to 79, suffer from high blood pressure,” noting that cardiovascular diseases are a major cause of disability and premature death.

It pointed out that “premature deaths in the European region account for more than 42.5% of total annual deaths, which means that 10,000 people die every day.”

Hans Kluge, the WHO Regional Director for Europe, stated that “4 million people, a staggering number, die annually due to cardiovascular diseases, most of whom are men, especially in the eastern part of Europe.”

He emphasized that “implementing policies to reduce salt consumption by 25% could save the lives of about 900,000 people by 2030.”

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