A Simple Habit Could Increase Life Expectancy

A new study by researchers from Griffith University suggests that regular physical activity could give individuals over the age of 40 an additional 5 years of life expectancy.
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It has long been known that physical activity promotes health. However, estimates of the benefits from specific levels of activity have varied across studies, both at the individual and societal levels.
In this study, researchers used accelerometer technology to obtain accurate estimates of physical activity levels in the population, rather than relying on survey responses as in previous studies. They found that the benefits observed were nearly twice as strong as earlier estimates.
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The study revealed that the most active quarter of the population had a 73% lower risk of death compared to the least active quarter. For those in the least active group, walking for one hour a day could add approximately 6 hours to their lifespan.
Professor Lennert Veerman, the study’s lead researcher, stated that the least active individuals have the greatest opportunity to gain health benefits. He added: “If you are already very active or in the most active quarter, adding an extra hour of walking may not make a significant difference because you are already reaping the benefits of activity. However, if those in the least active quarter raised their activity levels to match those in the most active quarter, they could add about 11 years to their lifespan on average, according to our estimates.”
The research team also pointed out that physical inactivity could be as harmful as smoking. Previous research has shown that each cigarette can reduce a smoker’s lifespan by 11 minutes. Therefore, a more active lifestyle could offer protective effects against heart disease, stroke, certain types of cancer, and other chronic illnesses.
This study underscores the importance of revising national physical activity guidelines using modern methods. Dr. Veerman noted that the role of physical activity in improving health outcomes is often underestimated. A modest increase in physical activity could lead to significant benefits in extending lifespan. He added: “If there’s something that can dramatically reduce the risk of death, then physical activity is an incredibly powerful tool.”
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He continued, “If we could increase investments in promoting physical activity and create supportive living environments, such as walkable and bike-friendly neighborhoods and affordable, convenient public transport systems, we could enhance life expectancy while reducing the strain on our healthcare and environmental systems.”