
Argentine Mother Gives Birth to Quadruplets and Receives a Pleasant Surprise

An Argentine mother’s wish came true, and her family rejoiced at the arrival of baby “Jordan,” who “brought” along three baby sisters, doubling the number of siblings.

Erica Dimitrio, a 42-year-old woman, is a mother to four daughters aged between two and ten years. She had always wished for a son to be the youngest in the family. When she became pregnant about 30 weeks ago, Erica thought this would be her last time.

The birth of these quadruplets made headlines in Córdoba (600 km northwest of Buenos Aires), highlighting that the pregnancy occurred without any specific treatment. Still in shock, Erica is recovering from a complicated cesarean section at a clinic in Córdoba, where 13 doctors participated in the procedure.

With a family now consisting of 10 members, Erica’s economic situation is described as “complicated.” She told Clarin newspaper from her hospital bed, next to the four incubators where Jordan and his three sisters are: “The hardest phase is yet to come.”

Messages and calls offering diapers, clothes, and milk have poured in. “People’s affection is unbelievable,” she says with relief. One of the obstetricians who helped her deliver said that Erica’s case of quadruplets is extremely rare and occurs once in every 700,000 births.

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