At the Expense of Yemenis and Their Nation’s Wealth… How the Muslim Brotherhood Courts the Americans

The Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen is working to gain the favor of the new U.S. administration, even if it comes at the expense of the Yemeni people and the country’s resources.
Calls to Purge Legitimate Authorities of Muslim Brotherhood Elements: The Misdeeds of Yemen’s Al-Islah Party Members
New corruption issues in the Yemeni Ministry of Interior… What is the relationship with the al-Islah Islamist party?
According to the Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni website, the Al-Islah Party, the Yemeni branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, recently handed over one of the largest oil fields in eastern Yemen to the U.S., marking its return to the political scene after years of marginalization.
PetroMasila, a company primarily owned by prominent party leader Hamid Al-Ahmar and purportedly a state-owned enterprise, announced its transfer of Sector (5) in the Usaylan oil field, located in northern Shabwah, to the American company Jannah Hunt.
Al-Islah Party is tottering in Yemen after the failure of the rebellion
From 2004 until now, What are the relations between Al-Islah and Houthi in Yemen?
The Yemeni Oil Investment Company officially confirmed its decision to hand over Sector (5), one of Yemen’s most significant oil and gas sectors, to the Americans under a memorandum signed on the 11th of this month.
Al-Islah’s decision to withdraw PetroMasila’s control of the field in favor of the Americans comes amid evolving relations between the party and the U.S. This follows a series of American sanctions imposed by the Biden administration on party leader Hamid Al-Ahmar, which were followed by political moves that resulted in U.S. support for the party. This support includes financial backing exceeding two million dollars and political endorsement.
The Brotherhood and the Yemeni Al-Islah Party… a long history of relations and joint crimes
Why is Turkey supporting the Yemeni Al-Islah Party of the Muslim Brotherhood?