Avocados: This trick to keep them longer would be dangerous for your health

For several months now, a trick to keep his lawyers talking for longer has been making the rounds on social networks. But according to experts, it could be dangerous to health. We’ll explain why.
With the rising cost of living, savings tips are proliferating online. Among them is a trick that promises a much longer retention of lawyers. This one is not new: for several months now, hundreds of videos have been promoting it on social networks and especially on TikTok. However, it would not be without health risks.
Here is why lawyers should not be kept in water
This technique consists simply in placing half of the avocado that one wishes to consume later in a container filled with water. This would allow them to keep it in the fridge for longer. But according to several experts, this seemingly harmless trick would be far more dangerous than it appears.
For Duane Mellor, a dietitian interviewed by our colleagues at the DailyMail, immersing a lawyer in water would increase the possibility of ‘bacteria that may be present […] on the skin of the fruit’ developing. These germs may be derived from the Listeria family or from salmonella.
A first warning had already been issued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in an article published last year by Newsweek: “Research […] has shown that Listeria monocytogenes can infiltrate and internalize in avocado pulp when they are immersed in refrigerated emptying tanks within fifteen days of storage,” a spokesperson said.
How do you keep a lawyer safe? Experts respond
As the Institut Pasteur explains on its website, Listeria monocytogenes is a bacterium that can cause a “serious infection” called listeriosis. While this disease is still rather rare, it is fatal in “30 to 40%” of cases occurring “outside pregnancy”.
Plunging lawyers in water, however, would not reduce the risk of these pathogens proliferating. According to Toby King, nutritionist interviewed by the DailyMail, coming to “disinfect” the skin of this fruit will not change anything, since Listeria monocytogenes could infiltrate “into the pulp”.
So how do you keep a lawyer safe? Instead of putting them in a jar containing water, the specialist invites to leave the core inside and wrap them in food film, before placing them in the fridge.