Can Raw Green Onion Relieve Teething Pain in Babies?

The teething phase is a challenging time for both babies and parents, often involving excessive drooling, fever, crying, and stress.
Some social media users claim that onion could be a remedy for this pain. They suggest that allowing a baby to chew on frozen or raw onion might soothe gum pain and ease teething discomfort.
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However, this idea remains largely anecdotal. While the cooling effect of any frozen item may provide some relief, there is little scientific evidence to support onion as a specific treatment for teething pain, according to health experts cited by Healthline.
That said, onion is generally safe for babies during the teething phase, especially when cooked and served in small, manageable pieces.
Doctors recommend including onions in meals as part of a balanced diet, although babies may not show interest due to their reduced appetite during teething.
Onion is not a common allergen, but like any new food, it is important to introduce it gradually and monitor for any allergic reactions. It is best to start with a small amount to observe any negative responses.
One potential downside of giving babies raw onion is that it may cause gas. To minimize this effect, it is preferable to offer cooked onion, which is easier to digest and more palatable for infants.
Overall, while onion is not a miracle cure for teething pain, it can be a healthy and flavorful addition to your baby’s diet.