“Cheating Gate”… Hidden Spying Technology in Google

Technology entrepreneur Jeffrey Castellano managed to explain how to disable a hidden technology in Google user accounts, which he called “Cheating Gate,” allowing spying on users’ communications and recording their voices for other purposes, according to the British newspaper Daily Mail.
Technology entrepreneur Jeffrey Castellano explained how to disable this technology in a few simple steps, thus preserving their privacy.
According to Castellano, the user must click on managing their Google account, then select the “Data and Privacy” tab, and scroll down to “Log Settings,” then select the “Web and App Activity” section, which contains a blue checkbox.
“You just have to click and scroll down to notice that the audio and audio activity settings have a blue checkbox. At this point, the subscriber must uncheck this to stop Google from spying on their calls,” he said.
Castellano added that “the method used by Google to continue recording conversations is a verbal version of the search engine, and every time it receives a ‘Hey Google‘ command, it creates the same effect, like opening a browser window. If the user disables the audio and audio activity settings, previously saved audio recordings will not be automatically deleted, but they can be manually deleted.”
For its part, Google defended itself by stating “that it only listens to excerpts of conversations to capture alert words, which have been programmed to recognize them, allowing it to respond to voice commands”.