
Closing your apps to improve your battery life: myth or reality?

Smartphone battery life is a hot topic as we all look for ways to make our device last as long as possible before recharging.

One of the popular beliefs is that one should close one’s apps after using them.

Are we done using Facebook? Hop, we slide the application up to close it.

In reality, this will have the opposite effect on the battery!

Closing apps drains more battery

Whether we have an iPhone or an Android phone, it is better to leave our applications open and to let them run in the background rather than closing them.

Although this may seem contradictory, closing them and then reopening them later in the day will actually eat up our device’s battery even more.

That’s because opening an app takes more power from the device’s CPU and RAM than leaving it running in the background.

When we open an application that was closed, our phone must execute all the code of the application as well as fetch the information related to our account on it.

In short, this once again requires a lot more batteries if you intend to reuse it later rather than leaving the application open.

This is all the more true for less powerful devices which will eat up even more energy to reopen them.

It is therefore better to leave the applications open, while they are going to fall into an effect, let’s say “dormant”.

Obviously, if we know very well that we will not reuse such an application anytime soon, it is more profitable to close it, but as a general rule, we rather recommend the opposite.

Your phone’s battery will thank you!

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