
COP 28 Summit Hosts Climate Action Ambitions and Solutions.. Experts Reveal Details

Integrating Local Climate Action with COP 28

Just a few months away from COP 28, the climate summit hosted by Expo 2020 Dubai, which is one of the most significant global climate summits. the world has witnessed harsh climate consequences, compelling the international community to unite in preserving the planet.

The UAE aims for COP 28 to be a summit that safeguards the world. seeking to transform carbon levels on Earth sustainably to secure the future through cooperation with several international powers and communities that influence global climate.

Local Summit for Leader Integration

Recently, the New York Stock Exchange welcomed Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, the UAE Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology and the appointed President of COP 28, along with his accompanying delegation. Al Jaber rang the opening bell of the New York Stock Exchange to mark the start of trading. a customary tribute by the exchange to its distinguished guests.

Al Jaber, alongside the UN Special Envoy for Climate Ambition and Solutions. Michael Bloomberg. announced the COP 28 Local Climate Action Summit. This marks the first time that the presidency of the Conference of .the Parties (COP) has announced a local summit for the integration of local leaders into the COP program. The summit will be hosted between December 1 and December 3, 2023, in Dubai, UAE.

Objectives of the Local Summit

The summit aims to gather hundreds of local leaders. such as mayors. governors, business leaders, leaders of non-governmental organizations. and others who have increasing importance in assisting national governments in achieving emissions reduction goals. and reaching ambitious zero-emission targets. all while building resilient economies. and communities capable of facing the future.

Al Jaber stated that city leaders are. at the forefront of climate action. accelerating ambition, achieving results,. and dealing with climate impacts in real-time.

Emirati political researcher Darrar Balhoul stated. that the private sector is responsible for 80% of global emissions that contribute to climate change. Therefore, the UAE’s presence in the New York Stock Exchange was of great significance .as it is set to host COP 28 in a few months.

Balhoul added that the UAE aims to encourage countries. communities. and companies to take a leading .and positive role in achieving tangible.and effective progress in climate action. Hosting the COP 28. one of the most significant international climate conferences. reflects the UAE’s efforts to promote .the concept of human brotherhood in practice. and as a result. it has been chosen to host the G20 summit.

Meanwhile, political science professor. Tarek Fahmi believes that the UAE will host the climate conference at the end of the year. signifying a significant presence in this context. He believes this presence will be leveraged in one way or another. emphasizing that the UAE’s participation reflects its concern for climate and climate change issues and others.

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