
Day Turned into Night… Terrifying Storm Hits Houston, USA

Four people were killed in Houston, the fourth largest city in the United States by population, during an “exceptional storm” that caused severe property damage, widespread power outages, and falling trees, according to the mayor.

John Whitmire, the mayor of this Texas city, told the local TV station “Fox 26”: “Unfortunately, we have four fatalities.”

He added that although the circumstances of these deaths are not yet known, they may be due to “falling trees, or they might have been trapped in their cars.”

The city experienced one of the worst storms the country has seen in decades, where the storm turned day into night amidst darkness that covered the city, and American sources expect the situation to worsen.

Activists shared photos and videos on social media showing the terrifying weather conditions that Houston experienced in the past few hours.

Activists documented the state of the city before and after the storm, clearly showing Houston’s transformation from day to night, while heavy rains continued to fall.

Strong thunderstorms with winds estimated at 80-117 miles per hour are moving into the area.

This situation prompted the National Weather Service to issue a possible tornado warning.

The storms destroyed major power lines, shattered building windows, and damaged many structures due to flying debris, and also uprooted trees, causing additional damage to buildings and cars.

Meanwhile, heavy rains have flooded multiple streets in the city.

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