
Distinctive astronomical phenomena adorn the sky before the end of 2023

The Moscow Sky Dome Astronomical Center announced that residents of some regions of the Earth will be able to witness distinctive astronomical phenomena before the end of the current year.

The center stated in a recent statement: “Earth’s residents will have the opportunity to observe the phenomena of the Geminids and Ursids, during which shooting stars fall from the sky in December next.”

The Geminids meteor shower phenomenon, also known as the Geminids meteor shower, features bright white shooting stars that often do not fly directly towards Earth but pass by nearby.

The statement added: “The speed of these shooting stars is low, around 25 km/s. This year, their peak is expected between December 13 and 14, and it is anticipated that the number of visible shooting stars per hour will reach 150 stars.”

As for the Ursids phenomenon, the peak of the meteor shower, according to the center, will be between December 21 and 22, and residents of some Earth regions will be able to observe 10 shooting stars per hour.

The Sky Dome Astronomical Center explained that Ursids shooting stars can only be observed by residents of the northern hemisphere of the Earth. They are similar to Geminids but less bright, with a speed of about 32 km/s.

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