
Doctors Warn: Phone Screens May Cause “Blindness” in Your Children

The significant rise in the number of children at risk of blindness due to excessive screen and mobile phone usage has prompted leading eye surgeons to issue a serious warning.

According to a report published by the British newspaper Daily Mail, “concerns are mounting with the diagnosis of British children under the age of four with myopia, with some resorting to special contact lenses to mitigate the effects.”

Dr. John Bulger, an ophthalmology consultant, expressed “deep concern about the escalating trend of myopia among children, describing it as a pandemic,” emphasizing the seriousness of the issue.

Bulger said, “Myopia is not just about wearing glasses, but can lead to blindness. This is not a minor event but a serious threat.”

According to experts, the root of the problem lies in prolonged exposure to screens, especially mobile phones, coupled with insufficient time spent outdoors.

Bulger highlighted the harmful effects of prolonged screen time on the eyes, leading to elongation of the eyeball, a known precursor to myopia.

He spoke about the exacerbating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has confined children indoors for long periods, reducing their exposure to necessary natural light for eye growth.

The implications of myopia extend beyond just weakened vision, with children facing significant challenges in daily life due to severe myopia reaching up to -20.

Bulger revealed that some young patients resort to wearing special contact lenses overnight, which alters the shape of the cornea to slow the progression of myopia.

Experts pointed to a doubling of myopia rates over the past five decades.

Experts urged parents to monitor and limit their children’s screen time, prioritizing outdoor activities to protect their eye health.

As the prevalence rate of myopia continues to rise, concerted efforts are needed to allay growing concerns about public health and ensure the well-being of future generations, according to the site.

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