
Dry Drowning Symptoms That Can Be Fatal

Dry drowning can occur after falling into water and emerging unharmed. When water enters through the nose or mouth, it can cause the muscles in the airways to constrict to protect the lungs, potentially leading to sudden death.

This condition is also known as “post-immersion syndrome” and is rare among children.

Although 95% of children recover well after a water immersion, doctors recommend monitoring for symptoms that may appear shortly afterward.

According to “Healthline,” here are the symptoms of dry drowning:

  • Difficulty breathing or speaking
  • Irritability or unusual behavior
  • Coughing
  • Chest pain
  • Decreased energy or drowsiness

Doctors advise seeking emergency care immediately if dry drowning symptoms are observed, while trying to keep the child calm to help the airway muscles relax.

Treatment for dry drowning may include resuscitation if there is a loss of consciousness. The patient is then transported to the hospital for medical monitoring to ensure normal breathing resumes and to rule out other conditions.

To reduce the risk of drowning, it is recommended to follow these rules:

  • Do not allow children under 4 years old to swim or bathe without assistance.
  • Wear life jackets while boating.
  • Attend cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) classes if supervising children in the water.
  • Invest in swimming lessons.
  • Avoid swimming or playing in the ocean without a lifeguard present.

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