
Early Symptoms Indicating Mental Health Issues in the Elderly

Mental health disorders affect around 14% of the elderly population worldwide, with one in three not receiving treatment due to shame or fear of aging.

As your loved ones age, some mental and physical changes are natural. For example, occasional forgetfulness is normal. However, unexplained fatigue, persistent memory loss, severe anxiety, and prolonged depression are potential serious signs of mental health issues that you should pay attention to.

Experts from the website A Place for Mom highlighted several warning signs that might appear in your aging parents, which could indicate mental health problems:

Emotional or Mental Warning Signs

It is important to closely monitor your elderly loved ones during visits to identify signs that they may need help.

The following signs may indicate a mental health issue, especially if these problems affect their quality of life:

  • Confusion or difficulty concentrating
  • Depressed mood lasting more than two weeks
  • Feelings of guilt or helplessness
  • Suicidal thoughts or self-harm
  • Memory loss, particularly recent or short-term memory issues
  • Social withdrawal or loss of interest in hobbies
  • Difficulty managing finances or dealing with numbers

Physical Warning Signs

The following physical signs may also indicate a mental health problem in your loved ones:

Do Mental Health Problems Worsen with Age?

Experts say that mental health problems can worsen with age. Studies show that untreated depression and bipolar disorder in middle-aged men and women can develop into dementia in old age. However, the deterioration of mental health is not a normal part of aging.

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