
Engineers Sue “SpaceX” and Elon Musk

Eight former engineers at the rocket manufacturing company “SpaceX” filed a lawsuit against the company and its CEO Elon Musk on Wednesday.

The engineers revealed that they were illegally fired for raising concerns about alleged sexual harassment and discrimination against women, according to “Reuters.”

The engineers, eight men and eight women, claim that Musk ordered their dismissal in 2022 after they distributed a letter describing the billionaire as “a source of distraction and embarrassment.”

The dismissed engineers urged executives to distance themselves from any sexually charged comments by Musk on social media.

The lawsuit was filed in a California state court in Los Angeles.

The indictment refers to a series of Musk‘s tweets in which he alludes to his penis, including a 2022 tweet in which he insulted the former CEO of YouTube.

The lawsuit asserts that Musk‘s behavior fosters a “notable sexual culture” at “SpaceX” where female engineers are routinely harassed and subjected to sexist comments, and where their concerns about workplace culture are ignored.

The lawsuit also mentions that senior engineers used euphemisms for sexual acts and male genitalia to describe rocket components.

“SpaceX” denies any wrongdoing and claims that the 2022 letter was disruptive and that the employees were appropriately fired for violating company policies.

The company also denies that Musk was involved in the decision to fire the engineers.

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