
Expert Comments on “Gas Emissions” from the Earth in Northern Sudan

Dr. Abbas Sharaqi, Professor of Geology and Water Resources at Cairo University, commented on videos circulating that show gases being emitted from the underground in northern Sudan. He explained that the presence of granite in a state of decay and disintegration into dust is evidence of the existence of important minerals.

Sharaqi stated that “the release of gases from underground is scientific evidence of the presence of minerals,” noting that scientists look for signs, such as the release of hot water from underground, to guide their discoveries.

He added that “no studies have been conducted in the area to prove mining activities,” pointing out that “hot water coming from underground at temperatures reaching 600 degrees Celsius indicates that it is loaded with important elements trying to surface.”

He continued by saying that “this sulfur-saturated water causes erosion of rocks, and these eroded rocks indicate the presence of boiling water underground, which means it is loaded with economically valuable elements and minerals.”

Sharaqi also emphasized the need to “search for minerals in the presence of acidic liquids,” noting that “the presence of granite as dust confirms the presence of sulfur, which is one of the strongest indicators of the melting of minerals from which hot water has emerged and reacted with groundwater.”

He pointed out that some Arab countries face challenges due to a lack of scientific and financial resources to properly handle such discoveries, resulting in most riches being “left on their own” without proper attention or actual exploitation, according to his assessment.

Sharaqi also mentioned that “drilling exploratory wells will reveal what minerals have settled with the hot water, which are usually copper or iron,” explaining that copper discoveries in Zambia occurred in this manner.

He finally suggested that the floods and torrents witnessed in the region earlier could be the reason for the appearance of these vapors and gases.

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