
Fog Smoke Chokes Milan (Photos)

Italy is experiencing worsening pollution and drought in some areas due to the lack of rainfall in the country, reflecting the impact of climate change. This is particularly evident in the smog that chokes Milan and the severe water shortage in Sicily, according to the French news agency “AFP”.

Cars with the highest pollution levels were banned from driving on Tuesday in Milan and eight other cities in Lombardy due to extremely high air pollution levels in this industrial-rich region in the north of the country.

Lombardy, which includes many pastures experiencing intensive activities, also banned the spreading of manure in fields, a practice that causes significant nitrate pollution.


Northern Italy has long been one of the most polluted regions in Europe. Lombardy’s geographical challenge partly contributes to this, as the region is situated in a basin surrounded by mountains, resulting in poor ventilation.

However, non-governmental environmental organizations often believe that this obstacle is frequently used by authorities as an excuse to justify high levels of air pollution without taking necessary measures to address it.

Regions throughout Italy are suffering from drought or significant rainfall shortages, especially in the mountains, particularly in the Alps.

The parallel water supply stored in the snow has decreased by 64% this month compared to the same period last year, according to the CIMA research institute.

The lack of rainfall exacerbates the already difficult situation, following the heatwaves that occurred in 2023, which led to a decrease in reserves and increased water consumption.


Sicily declared a state of natural disaster due to drought in early February, and in Sardinia, farmers can only use limited amounts of water.

Water reservoir levels have decreased by 23% compared to the average of the past 14 years.

The southern Italian regions of Puglia and Basilicata are also suffering from the consequences of rainfall shortages. During the weekend, the farmers’ association “Coldiretti” warned that high temperatures had awakened thousands of bees earlier than expected, threatening the pollination of some crops, as the bees’ activity does not coincide with the flowering period of the plants from which pollen is collected.

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