“Favorites” New feature from Instagram: How does it work?

Instagram has announced that it is developing an feature called ‘Preferences’ that will keep users off the long search for their favorite posts.
In ”The Verge”, a website dedicated to tech news, Instagram said it was trying to solve the problem of long browsing time of the users of the app, in order to access the publications most important to them.
This new feature, currently being tested by Instagram and soon to be announced as ”Favorites”, solves the user’s search for his friends posts among the dozens of postings.
The feature will highlight the publications that the user codes as his favorite, making them the first to appear on the live feed of his page.
The website published a post by the trusted technical expert Alessandro Paluzzi on its official Twitter account, in which he announced this characteristic and published photographic footage from his own account on Instagram after he noticed that the application had been added to the list of tasks in the account.
Return of Instagram Light
Instagram’s photo-sharing platform, Instagram Light, relaunched a new version for Android users in over 170 countries.
This comes after previously pulling the first version, which raised questions such as what’s the difference between the two apps, and how does this version compare with the original application.
Instagram, owned by Facebook, has launched a new version of Instagram Light, the lighter or smaller version of its parent application, meaning it won’t occupy much space by phone.
The new release comes with major and more comprehensive improvements for users using old smartphones and for those who have phones that don’t have a lot of storage space, according to Aitnews.
The application is primarily targeted at users living in areas with poor Internet connectivity.