FOPREL awards “Esquipulas Peace Prize” to HM King Mohammed VI

In recognition of his wisdom and courage, which contributed to the rejection of differences and the search for peace among peoples, the King of Morocco culminates in a new award-winning career.
The prize, awarded to King Mohammed VI of Morocco, was presented by the Forum of Presidents of Legislative Institutions in Central America, the Caribbean Basin and Mexico, known by the acronym FOPREL.
Esquipulas for Peace, which was announced Thursday, is the highest award given by this organization.
The award was granted to the Moroccan monarch by a resolution approved in Rabat, during the opening session of the 26th special session of the Forum, which will be hosted by the Moroccan parliament from May 19 to 21.
Since 2014, the Moroccan Parliament in the FOPREL has been an observer member.
The culmination, presented by FOPREL, was: “In honor and recognition of the wisdom and courage of King Mohammed VI, who led him to raise the banner of the common good, to reject differences and strive for peace among peoples”, the official Moroccan news agency reported.
The King of Morocco “is an example to be followed by all those who strive to respect and preserve these values in the different cultures and peoples of the world”, the resolution said.
The award aims to uphold the moral and spiritual values of civilized friendship, understanding, tolerance and solidarity among peoples, as well as respect for human rights, which are components of a genuine culture of peace.
The award was named after Esquipulas for the city of Guatemala with the same name.
In 1987, the city of Esquipulas hosted meetings that culminated in the signing of a peace agreement in Central America between five countries: El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Costa Rica.
Founded in 1994, the FOPREL aims to support mechanisms for the application and coordination of legislation among Member States.
It also aims to establish consultative mechanisms among the heads of legislative institutions to address the various problems facing the region, as well as to support legislative studies at the regional level.