
For These Reasons… Do Not Try to Lose Weight During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of significant physical and emotional changes that can be both exciting and challenging.

Among these changes, some women struggle with weight gain. While gaining weight during pregnancy is natural and beneficial, it can be a source of concern, especially for those with a history of eating disorders or body image issues.

It is crucial to understand that attempting to lose weight during pregnancy can negatively impact both your health and your baby’s well-being. In this article, we will discuss why weight gain is essential during pregnancy and provide dietary recommendations to help manage this phase.

Why Is Weight Gain Important During Pregnancy?

Gaining weight during pregnancy not only supports the physical changes your body undergoes but also plays a key role in your baby’s development.

According to Dr. Shivani Patel, a gynecologist at the University of Texas Medical Center, pregnancy requires additional energy, increasing the body’s metabolism by up to 20% to support fetal growth.

She explains that fat accumulation in areas such as the abdomen, breasts, and hips is a natural part of pregnancy and postpartum recovery.

Additionally, the uterus expands significantly, and the body forms a new organ—the placenta—to sustain the baby, further contributing to healthy weight gain.

The amount of weight you should gain depends on your pre-pregnancy weight. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), women with a normal weight should gain between 25 and 35 pounds, while those underweight should aim for 28 to 40 pounds. For women who are overweight, a more moderate weight gain is recommended.

How to Manage Anxiety about Weight Gain?

Feeling anxious about gaining weight during pregnancy is natural, especially if you have a history of eating disorders or body image concerns. In such cases, it is advisable to talk to a healthcare provider to discuss your feelings and receive appropriate psychological support.

Additionally, avoiding public weigh-ins during medical visits can help reduce stress related to weight.

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