France/ Monkeypox: an acceleration of vaccination expected in the coming days

Doses of vaccines against monkey smallpox have begun arriving in 70 vaccination centers, with a rise in the next few days, health authorities said Wednesday, July 13.
In detail, 7,500 doses of the national smallpox vaccine stock have already been unstockpiled, Dr. Clement Lazarus of the Health Directorate told a hearing on monkey smallpox before the Senate Social Affairs Committee. “5,000 doses are already scheduled for next week and the following week, and we will continue to do so according to the needs of the regional health agencies that have been brought back to us (…) as the vaccination centers open,” he also said.
In addition, additional orders have been placed with the Danish laboratory Bavarian Nordic, and others are under consideration, according to the doctor.
According to Santé Publique France, 912 cases of monkey smallpox were confirmed by 11 July in France, affecting mainly adult men, the vast majority of whom are in the Ile-de-France region.
Faced with the rise in cases, France has announced the expansion of vaccination starting this week.