
Friend of the Titan Submarine Commander: The Trip was a Trap for Billionaires

The friend of the commander of the “Titan” submarine, which sank in the Atlantic Ocean last month, stated that he, as the submarine commander, knew that its last journey would end in disaster. He warned his friend in advance and in writing about the “dangerous” condition of the submarine.

The “Titan” submarine sank in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean in June, with 5 people on board, all billionaires.

Preliminary investigations indicated that the submarine exploded from within, according to the US Coast Guard.

Shortly after the Coast Guard salvaged the wreckage, it appeared that the submarine suffered a major malfunction in the pressure chamber.

The purpose of the trip was to explore the famous wreck site of the sunken ship “Titanic.”

The Trap for the Wealthy

In an interview with the widely-spread program “Australia in 60 Minutes” on the “Nine Network” channel, Carl Stalney said that he warned his friend, Stockton Rash, the CEO of “Ocean Gate Expeditions,” the company operating the “Titan” submarine and its captain, about serious problems with it.

He added that he alerted Rash, who was one of the victims of the disaster, about the carbon fiber and titanium in the submarine, which were in a “dangerous state.”

Stalney said, “He definitely knew that the trip would end this way, but he was determined to set a trap for billionaires.”

He continued, “It is literally and figuratively one of the biggest buzzes in the history of humanity that you can witness,” and he said, “I believe Stockton prepared a trap for billionaires.”

Stalney also believes that there is no doubt that the carbon fiber tube was the technical part that caused the submarine to crash on its last journey.

A Previous Trip Revealed the Truth

Stalney accompanied Rash on a diving trip in the Bahamas in 2019 and said that he sent an email to him after the trip with the “Titan” submarine, warning him about the possible defects in it.

He wrote in the email that he “heard loud noises indicating a defect in the submarine, which did not stop even when the submarine descended to depths of 91 meters below the sea surface.”

This shows that “there is a problem with the stored energy, indicating that part of the structure is collapsing.”

Pictures from the wreckage of the submarine showed that the titanium structural rings in the front and back seemed to support the theory that the carbon fiber collapsed under the immense pressure of the ocean at great depths.

The incident is now under investigation by the US Coast Guard, the Transportation Safety Board of Canada, and the Marine Accident Investigation Branch in the UK.

Stalney runs a company that explores the depths of the sea in Honduras.

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