
Gaza Hospitals… Families of the injured thank the UAE 

You find it in the midst of pain as well as joy, its arms extend as a balm to heal wounds and bind scars, and hope to alleviate the pain in the peak of suffering.

This is the UAE, the state that has never been absent from Palestine, always providing support and refuge, translating its support into tangible decisions and intensive efforts.

Since the recent escalation in the region less than a month ago, UAE efforts have not ceased in protecting civilians and stopping the firing, launching an aid campaign.

The people of Gaza themselves witness this movement, preserving the beautiful solidarity they have experienced from the UAE during their times of hardship and support in times of difficult war.

“Thank you to those who supported us.” Commenting on the UAE‘s announcement to host a thousand children for their treatment and assistance in the state’s hospitals, Khalil Al-Dakran, the spokesperson for “Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Hospital” in the city of Deir al-Balah in central Gaza, said: “We thank the UAE for this effort and its continued provision of healthcare services and aid to our people.”

He added, “We hope that all Arab and Islamic countries and all free countries in the world will follow the UAE’s example in providing assistance.”

In a tour of the hospital, residents of the region gathered in different sections, accompanying their wounded and the bodies of their loved ones who were injured or killed in the ongoing Israeli bombardment since October 7th last year.

Um Sabri Al-Bakri, one of the grieving mothers in Gaza, was among those present, speaking emotionally about the horrors of war, separation, and the wounds of her children, thanking those who supported them in their time of hardship.

She said, “I thank the UAE for standing with us, our people, and our children… They support us, praise be to God, and support our children, after what we have seen and witnessed, which was beyond imagination.”

She added, “I saw my daughter severed (limbs), and my other daughter was seriously injured with grass in her skull, and my 17-year-old daughter suffered deformities in her face due to burns.”

In turn, a relative of a girl injured in the bombardment expressed her “great” gratitude to the UAE, expressing her hope that “the girl will be among the children who will receive treatment in the UAE so that she can at least walk.”

She continued, “She is an orphan without a father, mother, or siblings, praise be to God she is the one who survived.”

Human Balm 

As part of the UAE’s continuous support for Palestine and the people of Gaza, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the UAE’s President, has directed the hosting of 1,000 Palestinian children along with their families from the Gaza Strip to provide all types of medical and healthcare care they need in UAE hospitals until they recover and return.

This stance is added to a list of efforts and initiatives that the country is leading, embodying its authentic positions and firm approach towards supporting its brothers and extending a helping hand to them in various circumstances.

The initiative to host children from the Gaza Strip and provide them with medical and healthcare services is part of the continuous efforts by the UAE to provide relief to the Palestinian people, especially children, in response to the difficult humanitarian conditions they are experiencing.

This humanitarian support goes hand in hand with diplomatic efforts led by the UAE on the international stage, reflected in the corridors of the United Nations through 6 sessions held by the UN Security Council and a session in the General Assembly regarding the Palestinian issue and the situation in Gaza, with each of them recording strong supportive messages from the UAE, in addition to its efforts to balance between different parties and work to support peace efforts and reduce escalation.

Diplomatic stances that harmonize with others, through contacts made by the UAE’s President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed with world leaders, and successive statements issued by the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs when developments require it.

For the 28th consecutive day, Gaza witnesses intensive Israeli shelling in response to a sudden attack by Hamas on the Israeli state about a month ago.

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