
Glycemic index: 100 foods that can be eaten at will

The glycemic index ranges from 0 to 100. The higher it is for a given food, the higher the level of sugar released in the blood, which affects health (diabetes), but also weight. That is why it is important to know this index through a diet (such as the Montignac diet), the balancing of diabetes, or simply the observation of a healthy and balanced diet. Find out which 100 foods can be eaten at will because their glycemic index is low.

1. Definition of the glycaemic index

The glycemic index (GI) is an index developed in 1991 by two Canadians, David Jenkins and Thomas Wolever. This index, for each food, refers to the ability of the food in question to increase the blood glucose level within two hours of its ingestion, according to the Fédération française de cardiologie. It ranges from 0 to 100, and the higher the glycemic index, the greater the amount of sugar released into the blood. This index is calculated in the laboratory by scientists and is listed in tables intended for the general public. It differs from the carbohydrate level, which refers to the level of sugar in a food. Thus, for two foods having the same sugar level, it is possible to have two different glycemic indexes, depending on whether the sugars in question are strongly released into the blood or not.

It is important to note that for the same food, the glycemic index may change, depending on the type of cooking chosen, whether it is combined with other foods, as well as whether it is consumed hot or cold, informs France Assos Santé. For example, because cooking facilitates digestion of food, cooked carrots have a higher glycemic index (GI = 47) than raw carrots (GI = 16). Knowing the glycemic index of foods is essential to help people with diabetes control their blood sugar levels and to help people who want to control their weight because too much glucose in the blood is stored in the body as fat. In general, the Fédération française de cardiologie reports that a GI below 55 is considered low, while a GI above 70 is considered high.

2. Vegetables with a low glycemic index that can be eaten at will

Green vegetables have a low GI of about 10 (except for green beans with a GI of 30), so they are excellent for health, in addition to fiber, antioxidants and vitamins: salads, broccoli, cabbage, green peppers, courgettes, spinach can be consumed without moderation. The same low glycaemic index was found for cucumbers, carrots, lentils (GI = 22), artichokes, eggplants, avocados, asparagus, beet, endives, cauliflower, fennel, turnip, mushrooms, according to the Glycemic Index, which references more than 100 foods.

3. Fruits with a low glycemic index to be consumed without moderation

Among the fruits to be consumed without moderation thanks to their low glycemic index are grapefruit (IG = 25), lemons (IG = 20), cherries (IG = 23), apricots, Goji berries, blackcurrants, pomegranate, fresh figs, passion fruits, tomatoes, blueberries, blackberries, hazelnuts (IG = 15), oranges, green pears, plums or peaches.

4. Fish, seafood, poultry and meat with a low glycemic index which must not be deprived

In terms of protein intake, fish are the champions of healthy foods, as they do not contain sugar and are rich in omega-3, especially salmon, sardines, mackerel, tuna and herring. As for seafood, even plebiscite as for fish-because they do not contain sugar: thus mussels, meadows, oysters, clams, winkles, bulots have a zero glycemic index and can be eaten at will. Meat and poultry with a low glycemic index to eat as you wish are: boiled lamb (IG = 0), lean beef (IG = 0), duck (IG = 0), turkey (IG = 0), but also rabbit, sheep, chicken, pork and veal with a glycemic index of zero.

5. Milks with a low glycaemic index that are good for blood sugar

Some cheeses have a low GI, such as Cheddar (IG = 0), Cottage cheese, Mozzarella (IG = 0), Feta and skimmed cheese. Dessert milks with a low glycemic index are lean yogurt, soy yogurt (IG=20), soy milk ice cream, soy cream. Milk (oats, almonds, goats, soya, whole, skimmed) and kefir are counted as low-glycemic milk drinks.

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