
Google launches a new tool to manage ads 

Google’s looking to give users more control over the ads they see in its apps, and the information that they share for such, with the launch of its new ‘My Ads Center’ tool, which will provide more direct control options direct from ad listings.

Its goal : “helping internet users around the world to select the advertisements they see on Google, whether on YouTube, the search engine or Discover. You can also block ads on sensitive topics and check the information used to personalize your advertising experience.”explains the Mountain View firm.

When you are logged in to your Google account, you can directly access “My advertising preferences” from the advertisements that appear on the YouTube search engine and Discover. You can also choose themes and brands to show and hide. It is now possible to manage your advertising preferences without interrupting your online activities, without wasting time looking for the right parameter or deciphering how your data is used.

It is also possible to completely disable ad personalization. “My Ad Preferences” simplifies this task by putting these controls front and center. Users will still see ads, but they may be less relevant and useful. These settings will be applied each time you sign in to a Google account. It is possible to limit advertisements on, for example, alcohol, dating, weight loss, betting, pregnancy or parenthood.

In the interests of privacy, “My Advertising Preferences” also tells users what information is used to personalize the ads that appear. “If in doubt about what is being shared, it’s easy to see what information is being used, and change these settings to suit your preferences.” specifies the American giant.

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