
He slaughtered his mother and ate her corpse in 15 days… and the court says its word

A Spanish man has been sentenced to 15 years and 5 months in prison for strangling his mother and eating parts of her body after cutting it to pieces.

A Madrid court which issued the decision against him, on Tuesday, considered in its decision that the man, dubbed “the cannibal man in Ventas”, a living name in Madrid where the police found the mother’s remains, was fully “mental when the facts come to pass” between January 21 and 21 February 2019, and will serve his sentence in prison.

The court stated that it had decided to sentence Albert S.G. to 15 years for “murder with aggravating circumstances of family association”, in addition to 5 months for “desecrating the body”, as the man slaughtered his mother and “ate her body for at least 15 days”.

Albert and his 69-year-old mother had a fight in early 2019 in their apartment in the Las Vintas neighborhood, which is famous for its bullfighting rings.

In the indictment, the prosecution explained that he strangled her and then dragged her body to his room where he cut her with saw and kitchen knives to “hide her.”

She added : “After the body was dismembered, the accused would occasionally feed the remains and store the other pieces in several plastic containers in the apartment and in the refrigerator.”

He also put other remains in garbage bags and threw them away.

Local media reported that a policeman who testified during the trial recounted that when he entered the apartment, the accused confirmed that he had eaten some of the pieces raw, cooked others and given some to his dog.

The man, who police said was suffering from drug problems, was arrested in February 2019 while police were searching for his mother, who told a friend she was missing.

Contrary to what the defense tried to prove during the trial, the court ruled that there was no “evidence” that the accused did not have full mental powers.

In addition to this prison sentence, a man will have to pay his brother €60 thousand compensation.

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