
How are the Brotherhood exploiting the war in Sudan to find shelter?

The terrorist Muslim Brotherhood group in Sudan knows no meaning for political exercise other than theorizing, planning, and then turning over power by force of arms.

The Muslim Brotherhood uses violence, and they exaggerate it. If there is a difference between extremist organizations, they are the most extreme, because they work to root extremist ideas within societies, and they are forced to turn them into behavior, thus transferring violence from the pages of books to the pages of the earth between humans.

Muslim Brotherhood Movement

Tareq Abu al-Saad, a researcher on political Islamist movements, said the primary beneficiaries are the Muslim Brotherhood and extremist groups. He expressed concern that Sudan could become a base for extremist terrorist groups.

He added that the collapse of the official state is the suitable climate for the presence and activities of those terrorist groups directly, pointing out that Sudan is surrounded by seven countries suffering from security fragility, and the only strong state is Egypt; This situation is attracting terrorist groups to Sudan.

A Society of Hate

He added: Sudan is known historically as a tolerant society because it was home to Sufi groups, but it turned into a society of hatred with the proliferation of Brotherhood terrorist groups there during the era of Omar Al-Bashir.

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