
How Does Iran View the Muslim Brotherhood?

The alliance of the Muslim Brotherhood group in Yemen with the Houthi rebels, affiliated with Iran, is seen as evidence of the group’s readiness to act as an agent for Iranian interests in the Arab region.

According to the (Al-Hal) center in a report, Iran’s support for the group is not based on a shared commitment to Islamic values or the interests of the Islamic world. Tehran sees the Muslim Brotherhood as a means to advance its own geopolitical agenda, primarily focused on expanding its influence in the region and undermining its competitors.

Iran sees the Muslim Brotherhood as a means to advance its own geopolitical agenda, primarily focused on expanding its influence.

The report continues: “Iran’s support for the Muslim Brotherhood group is also seen as a means to undermine the stability of governments in countries where the group is present, as it can use the group as a tool to foment disturbances and challenge the existing political system. This applies particularly to countries where the Muslim Brotherhood has managed to gain many followers, such as Egypt, Tunisia, and Jordan.”

The center concludes its report by stating that Iran’s view of the Muslim Brotherhood is rooted in the fact that the group is willing to compromise its principles and align with Iran to achieve its political and economic interests, not those of the Arab society. Iran sees in the Muslim Brotherhood an appropriate tool to advance its own agenda in the region and is willing to use the group as a political agent to bolster its geopolitical ambitions.

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