How to prepare your body before the cold weather arrives?

The winter illnesses are making a comeback and are starting to circulate again. Faced with changing temperatures, decreasing natural light and increasing stress, how adapt your diet and strengthen your body before the cold weather arrives? Here are some tips for facing the coming weeks.
First of all, we need limit certain things. Like our consumption of sugars. Because sugars increase the levels of white blood cells found in our bodies. Thus, an increased consumption of sugars makes the body much more tired.
Another habit to curb: that of garnishing our plates a little more. Contrary to popular belief, eating more and fatter on the pretext that it is colder would be a mistake. Nutritionists therefore recommend maintain a balanced dietand of do not multiply raclette eveningsfor example.
Prioritize the “good” fat
However, care must also be taken to don’t ban fat of our meals. This is essential to fight against the cold, especially in times of energy sobriety. The “bad fat” is however to be avoided. It takes more focus on oils nuts, olive oil, sunflower oil, and oily fish, such as salmon, herring or mackerel. Cold cuts and cheese, on the other hand, are excluded from these recommendations.
Breakfast in winter time
As for breakfast, seasonal adaptations are also to be expected. With the arrival of winter illnesses, specialists invite make it more balanced, in order to provide the body with adequate resistance. We therefore bet on vitamin Cpresent in citrus fruits, but also other fruits such as grapes or kiwis.
Foods containing fibersas the cerealsthe whole wheat bread and the nut. This set can be mixed with yogurt or cottage cheese, to calcium. And to complete it all with protein, it is possible to add to your menu an egg or peanut butter.
Vegetables, vitamins and antioxidants
For vegetables, opt instead for peppers, carrots, asparagus, fennel, or even leeks and parsnips, rich in vitamins. The seasonal vegetables like cauliflower and pumpkin, bursting with B vitamins and minerals (for pumpkin for example), have many advantages. In gratin, puree, soup, or even raw, treat yourself. Without forgetting vitamin A, found in broccoli and spinach. Alternating between all these vegetables allows you to strengthen the immune system.
As to mushrooms, antioxidants, these have the advantage of boosting the immune system. Specialists recommend them. Ginger, natural antibacterial, can help make full of vitamins. Finally, consume two dairy products a day maintains the balance of the intestinal flora.
Food supplements: the true from the false
What about food supplements? Zinc, magnesium, vitamin cures… Difficult to sort out. Because not all of them are really useful. Nutritionists recommend focus on vitamin D, preferably in November. In order to compensate for the lack of sunlight, which is less present during the winter season. For the stomach achesdigestion or intestinal transit problems, probiotic cures can help. They are however to start before winter.
As for the rest: zinc, magnesium and other vitamins, self-medication remains a bad option. Although these products are available over the counter, you must first consult your doctor, to avoid destabilizing your body in the event of an error.